Well, it’s working, and somehow it’s all going smoothly - if only I’d dedicated myself to create a blog before all the hype was created, then I could claim that I was one of the ultra-cool, suave and sophisticated few that thought that writing thoughts down for pretty much 4 (or possibly 5!) people on the internet to see, and thus enhancing my social standing.
However, alas – this is not true. I’m sitting in my room, starting a blog 6 years too late. And I’m still not feeling as cool as I should do. I’m into my second paragraph and I’m already questioning my lifestyle, so you can tell already that this isn’t going to be the ‘writers gold’ of the blogging community. Christ – I’ll be ranting on interior design and how I’m not really bothered about being materialistic and not wanting to fit into the stereotypical yuppie type that everyone seems to aspire to; No publishing deal for me just yet! The best I can hope for is a knock on the door from the police about revealing interesting facts about the chemicals that I choose to enjoy - however I’ll get to that in future posts, if I live to see them that is.
So. What to talk about? I’ve found this one of the most confusing concepts of creating a blog – normally I’d consider a blog to place adequately illegally acquired music. Then there are the sources of all kinds of pointless information on subjects that you’d never really expect to be finding yourself looking for. For example. I was looking for ideas on what to spout on this and then noticed along the side of my Google search results I found a Google advertisement for this:
Yes, it’s Paul Daniels! There’s a few things that make me wonder why he actually pays money to advertise his blog, and then I wondered why a washed out TV magician would have a website.
It really proves that there is a niche market for everything these days, it also shows that Paul Daniels fans are still alive, can use computers and are ignorant enough to have failed to notice that magic just isn’t cool unless you’re on a sidewalk of an American city, showing card tricks to utterly stupid Americans who no matter how shit the trick is - will whoop and cheer until other Americans walk over and start whooping and cheering for the sake of whooping and cheering.
However – I digress.
His blog is boring, it does not analyse things, and neither does it provide anything exciting to read. This blog is of an elderly retired man – trying desperately to clutch onto his youth by creating a website, chucking some of his day to day tasks on, advertising it and then waiting for someone to comment. This is the kind of thing I don’t want to do, essentially I don’t want this blog to be (like the right honourable paul) pointless.
I’d like this to be less of a diary, and more of a place where I can spout the random shite that I reel out when I’m with my friends, as a matter or record than anything else. Also a place where I can analyse things on a personal level, so I can remember it when I wake up and realise that for the thousandth time, that i’d been on my computer and made an idiot of myself to a small collection of people on various different social networking sites. Thus blogging becomes of use, thus giving me a reason to start utilising it.
Anyways, that’s enough from me for now – it’s now a good time to figure out how to change the language settings on word 2007 to stop placing random ‘z’s in words. How typically American.